Location Turkey
Years 2021-2023
Alan Greaves
University of Liverpool
Funding BIAA, University of Liverpool, University College London
Active Learning Protects Heritage and Archaeology (ALPHA) is a three-year heritage conservation project that develops, pilots and evaluates Open Educational Resources (OER) in Turkish primary schools.
This year (Year Two) we will apply the concept of Global Citizenship to heritage education by developing children’s sense that they are citizens of the world, not only a single ethnic or national group, and share a global identity with children across the world. Our educational games empower children with self-awareness about what they can do to conserve Turkey’s environment and its archaeological heritage through the individual choices they make themselves.
We will provide training and support to teachers in approximately 20 schools and refugee camps in areas of identified need: isolated rural villages, socio-economically deprived urban areas, and communities that recently received migrants from the conflict in Syria, and then evaluate how the OER supported our aims and developed children’s learning.
Veysel Apaydin
University College London, Institute of Education