Contextualizing the Neolithic: Regional Approaches to Sedentism and Domestication in the Konya Plain

Location Ankara, Bilkent University (Main Campus, Building V, Amfi 1) and Online

Date and time Friday 8 December 2023
06:00 - 15:00 (London GMT)
09:00 - 18:00 (Ankara UTC+3)

Event Summary

Intense and sustained research focussed on a well-defined, circumscribed region, across several decades and through numerous archaeological and palaeoenvironmental projects has created a uniquely rich and well contextualised evidence base for understanding the Neolithic in the Konya Plain (central Turkey). This provides an exceptional opportunity to analyse questions such as sedentism and domestication from different analytical perspectives and at different spatial scales, from the household to the interregional level.

This conference, co-sponsored by the British Institute at Ankara and Bilkent University, aims at assessing our current models of the development of the Neolithic for the area through the integrated perspective of excavation, survey, geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental research, and a range of analyses of animal, plant, human and material culture, often employing innovative scientific approaches. There has been a longterm commitment to public outreach and community archaeology and these aspects of work in the Konya Plain will also be highlighted.

This conference will be held over three days on 8-10 December 2023 at Bilkent University, Ankara and Online via Zoom.

You can access the conference booklet, including the full programme and abstracts, from here.

Please fill out the registration form at the bottom of the page to attend the conference in person.


Please register for the relevant Zoom Webinar(s) to join us online from the links below:

8 December 2023 (18:00-19:00) | Keynote speech: T. Watkins, “New wine in old bottles? Re-shaping an old story”. Register here

9 December 2023 (09:00-18:00) | Contextualizing the Neolithic – Day 1. Register here

10 December 2023 (09:00-18:00) | Contextualizing the Neolithic – Day 2. Register here


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